
The 12th International Workshop On Graph Labeling (IWOGL) will take place at AGH University in Cracow, Poland on June 24-26, 2024.

The workshop will consist of keynote and invited lectures by distinguished experts in graph labelings and contributed talks by other participants.

There will be Special Session on Tuesday (June 25) to celebrate the 70th birthday of Dalibor Froncek, one of the founders of IWOGL.

IWOGL is a problem-oriented series of workshops with emphasis on informal discussion. The main themes of the workshop were the topics within the following areas, but are not limited to:

  • Applications of graph labeling
  • Graceful labeling and their variations
  • Magic-type labeling
  • Sum labeling and variations
  • Prime and vertex prime labeling
  • Binary labeling
  • Average labeling
  • Graph colorings